Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Lab 10

Flow Chart for the first algoritm in Lab 10

The main differnce between the Hartley and Shannon measures of information is that Shannon uses the average amount of uncertainty and information to measure how much information is present in a message thus accounting for the higher or lower probability of the alternatives in a problem. Hartley on the other hand can not acount for the different probabilties of different alternatives. To find Shannon's measure of entropy you divide the average amount of uncertainty for a set of wieghted alternatives by the average amount of information needed to remove the uncertainty. Hartley's method simply takes the amount of uncertainty associated with a set of alternatives divided by the amount of information needed to remove this uncertainty.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Lab 9

This lab was very good at introducing new ways to conduct data analysis. I never knew that excel was capable of such calculations, I would have always assumed that doing the calculation the long way, like we did for m,b,and r, was the only way to calculate such data. The graphs that excel produces are great for creating a visual representation of the data and allows for easier analysis, since the data becomes visual. Inductive modeling as used in this lab is very useful in analysis, and comparison of related things. It is helpful when discovering something new or, when there is no certain right answer.Inductive reasoning seems to be used more with scientific related material, where on the other hand deductive reasoning seems to be associated with reasoning or factual type data.